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Anupama Holistics is a center dedicated to provide holistic healing for last more than fifteen years. We use Reiki, Pranic Healing, Naturopathy, Angel Therapy, Karmic Release etc. to help our clients get rid of problems on all aspects of life (Physical, Mental, Social & Business)


The prime objective of the center is to help people on various issues concerning their life e.g.  detection and healing of physical & mental ailments through aura scan. Help and guidance is also provided on business, career, life-partner, relationship issues, divorce & child custody. The center also provides Angel Therapy, Karmic Release & protection from Black Magic / Tantra.

Human Aura (any disease, past & future event, karma, negative spirit etc. manifests itself in human aura first, and then it affects human body and mind, before affecting events related to the person)



हमारे केंद्र का मुख्य उद्देश्य लोगों के जीवन संबंधी समस्याओं के वास्तविक कारणो का पता लगा कर उनका निदान करना है। हम आभामंडल के अध्ययन के द्वारा समस्त शारीरिक, मानसिक व सामाजिक समस्याओं का पता लगाते हैं और सकारात्मक ऊर्जा के माध्यम से उक्त समस्याओं का निदान करते हैं।

Services offered by us / हमारे द्वारा दी जाने वाली सेवाएँ

Dr. Anupama at Liveperson.com (liveperson.com is an expert consultation site)

Dr. Anupma at Destle.com      (Destle.com is an expert consultation site)

Dr. Anupama at weRlive.com  (weRlive.com is an expert consultation site)

For Aura Scan, Healing & Guidance on
Career / Business / Investment / Family Problems / Love / Relationships / Separation

Gayatri Holistic Center
72-B, Gautam Nagar
Gorakhpur - 273 009,
Uttar Pradesh, India
Phone: +91-551-220-4592
Mobile: +91-94152-61631
E-mail: anuneelpranshu@gmail.com

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Use Ramshalaka or Tarot to get your answer.

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This site was last updated 07/27/11